Category: devlopment

Random unique alphanumeric string

HI gays ,

Here is a function to generate random unique alphanumeric string using PHP,

I am sure it will help some one to solve their problem

  function get_rand_txn_id($length = 10) {

        $randstring = '';
        $string_array = array_merge(range(0, 9), range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Zå'));

        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            $randstring .= $string_array[array_rand($string_array)];

        return $randstring;






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Helper classess in laravel

      In most case, we want to extend our Laravel applications capabilities by adding helper class.
It is not a best practice to insert this classess inside Controller and Model.

so we have to write our classess in separate files and group it by folder

Here let us have a look how we add helper classess in laravel

1.    We have app folder on root folder of laravel.There we can create a Libraries folder inside app folder.

2.  We can create a class/helper file and we can write a our custom class there, on the top of custom class we have to define namespace our_folder_name;


namespace our_folder_name

for example ,

//here my folder name is Libraries
namespace Libraries;

class className{
    //class methodes

Now we can go to our controller and on top we can include our helper class

use Libraries\filename as filename;

And we can go to compser, inside autoloder we can add “app/foldername”



"autoload": {
		"classmap": [
 			"app/Libraries",// we've added classes folder on compose


And we can update composer by using below comment

 composer dump

Now we can use our helper class in our controller

  $test = new className();

All my samples files are given below

 namespace Libraries;

class className{
    //class methodes
    function testmesthode(){
        return "Hello world";



use Libraries\className as className;

class testController extends BaseController {
    function index(){
        $test = new className();
        echo $test->testmesthode();


compser file

"autoload": {
		"classmap": [
 			"app/Libraries",// we've added classes folder on Laravel ClassLoader

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Global Config values In Laravel

Today I want to create a page for sending contact us mail in site,

For that I have to define admin mail id and admin name as a config value and i want to access the same in same in many  places,

I had googled for some time , to find out how can i define my constant in laravel and one of my friend (Ranjith) help to do that ,

Here i am writing how we can use a  Config values   in laravel,

1. If we want to define all our constants in a custom page ,

We can create a page (Here i am calling constants.php )
and inside that we can define like key value pair

return array(
 'custome_name' =>'custome_value',

And we call the values as below

$cvalue = Config::get('filename.custome_name');

Here we will get our custom_value in $cvalue

Let us look an example


return array(

    'admin_email' =>'',
    'admin_name' =>'Admin',


Now let us see How we can retrieve the config in your code somewhere

echo  Config::get('constants.admin_email');
echo  Config::get('constants.admin_name')

Hope it will help some one 🙂

Thank you Ranjith

I made small changes,

thank you Martin Tonev for correcting from variable to config

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How to install Laravel in MAMP-MAC

Today i was trying to install laravel in MAMP , While going through their step on laravel site mentioned i found that i didn installed mycript extension. I had googled for lot of time and lastly i installed .

I am writing this will help some one to install laravel in Mac using MAMP.

Install composer

Before installing laravel we have to install composer . We can go to and we can install from from there or we can follow the following steps step

1. first we have to check curl is enabled . step 2. we can install composer globally as mentioned in their site

curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Install Laravel 

1.once we installed composer we have to move to htdocs and to our directory from our terminal

cd /directory/folder

2. We can tell composer to download laravel  and install by following commands

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist

And here it will come to as for mycrypt extension .

Mcrypt PHP extension required.

To solve this issue we have to check the php version frist

php -v

   3.Now let us have our PHP version, in my case 5.6.2, we can open our .bash_profile script

nano .bash_profile

4. Add our MAMP PHP version after the code already present ,Exit the file and Save   it.

export MAMP_PHP=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin

5. Now we can try to install Laravel  again That is it!.

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist


6. We can see Laravel is downloading and installing





  Finally it will show like installed. Application key (*******) installed successfully.


Now let us go to browser and check the URL.

Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 9.56.18 pm

That is it!




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Ignore files from git without .gitingore

We can remove tracking of git for some file using below comment .

git update-index --assume-unchanged <file full path>

To track the file again we can use below comment

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file  full path>

Now let us look How we can list all the files who is included in no-assume

We can type below comment in terminal

git ls-files -v

It will list like

H file 1
H file 2
h file 3
h file 4

Here we can see first character as capital or lower for some file.

If the first character is lowercase, it is marked as “assume unchanged”, else it is marked as “assume changed”

We can simply list all the “assume unchanged”files using below comment.

git ls-files -v | egrep -r "^h .*"

it will list only “assume unchanged” file list


h file 3
h file 4

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