Category: MAC

How to install Laravel in MAMP-MAC

Today i was trying to install laravel in MAMP , While going through their step on laravel site mentioned i found that i didn installed mycript extension. I had googled for lot of time and lastly i installed .

I am writing this will help some one to install laravel in Mac using MAMP.

Install composer

Before installing laravel we have to install composer . We can go to and we can install from from there or we can follow the following steps step

1. first we have to check curl is enabled . step 2. we can install composer globally as mentioned in their site

curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Install Laravel 

1.once we installed composer we have to move to htdocs and to our directory from our terminal

cd /directory/folder

2. We can tell composer to download laravel  and install by following commands

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist

And here it will come to as for mycrypt extension .

Mcrypt PHP extension required.

To solve this issue we have to check the php version frist

php -v

   3.Now let us have our PHP version, in my case 5.6.2, we can open our .bash_profile script

nano .bash_profile

4. Add our MAMP PHP version after the code already present ,Exit the file and Save   it.

export MAMP_PHP=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin

5. Now we can try to install Laravel  again That is it!.

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist


6. We can see Laravel is downloading and installing





  Finally it will show like installed. Application key (*******) installed successfully.


Now let us go to browser and check the URL.

Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 9.56.18 pm

That is it!




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Hidden Features in Mac

Today i saw some interesting hidden features in Mac, Which most of them not using. Here i am giving which i like to use with short keywords.


-Take a Full screenshot

You can holding down command + shift + 3 to take the complete screenshot of your mac

if you want to save it copy board, can holding down command + ctrl + shift + 3

– Part of screen
For taking screenshot of a special part of screen you can holding down command + shift + 4 Then cursor will change to + and can drag where you want to take screenshot. It will be saved in folder (Desktop by default).

if you want to save it copy board, can holding down command + ctrl + shift + 4

– Spotlight search
you can holding down Command + Spacebar to show Spotlight search, type and search on your mac an internet.

– Apple symbol

On any Apple computer, you can create an Apple icon by holding down Option + Shift + K, It will create a apple symbol like this  😉


Apple_symbol from mac

– Built-in Mac emoticons

On mac we can use emoticons by simply holding down ctrl+⌘+space . it will appear a box of emoticions.



– Quick preview with spacebar

We can quick preview any file by selecting the file and pressing the spacebar. Press the space agin it will auto close. On menu you can see compatible apple also .

Mac is awesome 😉

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